Integration: Milvus Document Store

Use the Milvus vector database with Haystack


An integration of Milvus vector database with Haystack.

Use Milvus as storage for Haystack pipelines as MilvusDocumentStore.


pip install milvus-haystack


Once installed, to use the MilvusDocumentStore, first start up a Milvus service by following the Start Milvus instructions on the documentation.

You can then import and use the MilvusDocumentStore as follows:

from milvus_haystack import MilvusDocumentStore
from haystack import Document

document_store = MilvusDocumentStore()
document_store.write_documents([Document("Some Content")])
document_store.get_all_documents()  # prints [<Document: {'content': 'foo', 'content_type': 'text', ...>]